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Content provided by Kaizen and PIMFA

Podcast: Transaction Reporting: 2023 and Beyond
PIMFA Learning · Transaction Reporting: 2023 and Beyond

Issues and challenges with MIFIR transaction reporting
In a recent PIMFA webinar with associate member firm Kaizen reporting, we polled over 100 senior compliance and operations professionals on the issues and challenges they face with MIFIR transaction reporting.
Here’s what they said….

Podcast: Transaction Reporting: Are You Meeting The Regulators Expectations?
PIMFA Learning · Transaction Reporting: Are You Meeting The Regulators Expectations?

Podcast: Transaction Reporting: Are You In Control of Your Controls?
PIMFA Learning · Transaction Reporting: Are You In Control of Your Controls?

June 2023: PIMFA Webinar “MiFIR Transaction Reporting: How To Achieve Accurate, Complete and Timely Reporting”
Click here to watch the PIMFA Webinar

WATCH: MiFID II Transaction Reporting Valid but Wrong errors
What types of errors is Kaizen able to detect with our Accuracy Testing platform? We call these ‘valid but wrong’ errors. Watch here

What does daylight saving mean for regulatory reporting?
On March 26, in the early hours of the morning, clocks across the UK and the majority of mainland Europe will go forward an hour.

Does your firm have an SMF for trade and transaction reporting?
The Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR) may be under review but that doesn’t mean it’s not still in place. The FCA and PRA recently